11 July 2024, 7:30 p.m.
Falada – érase un sonido | Es war einmal ein Klang
Konzert über ein kolumbianisch-deutsches Märchen
Frideswide Ensemble
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Bundesstiftung Berlin
16 December 2023, 6 p.m.
Eine Adventsreise durch Iberoamerika in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Megan Baddeley, Soprano
David Auli Morales, Percussion
Iván García, Vihuela, Baroque Guitar and Guitar
Johanneskirche Villingen, Germany
27 October 2023
Feel the Performance
Choral Workshop & Team Building Event
Tuttlingen, Germany
4 September 2023
Falada – érase un sonido
Workshop & Concert
Frideswide Ensemble
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia
01 September 2023
Falada – érase un sonido
Workshop & Concert
Frideswide Ensemble
Colegio Técnico Menorah, Bogotá, Colombia
30 August 2023
Falada – érase un sonido
Workshop & Concert
Frideswide Ensemble
Instituto Técnico Central La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia
16 August 2023
Observatorio Mesoamericano de Educación Ambiental
Frideswide Duo
Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
16 August 2023
Frideswide Duo
Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
15 August 2023
Workshop Concert Design
Frideswide Duo
Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia
23, 24 July 2022
Das Mädchen zwischen den Stühlen
Tanztheaterprojekt zum Stadtjubiläum
Padmini Baun, director
Theater am Ring, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
26 June 2022, 6 p.m.
Osborne: Street Scene for the Last Mad Soprano
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
2 June 2022, 7 p.m.
Hugo-Pitch 2022
Wettbewerbspräsentation der besten vier Konzertentwürfe
Frideswide Ensemble
Montforthaus and live stream
Feldkirch, Austria
20 Mai 2022, 8:30 & 9:50 p.m.
Alles fließt
WAND(E)LUNGEN HfM Trossingen
Frideswide Duo
Birkareal, Trossingen, Germany
05 Mai 2022, 1 p.m.
"Dann kamst du mir die Seele nehmen..."
Lunch Concert
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Megan Baddeley, stage director & concept
Kleine Aula, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
30 April 2022, 6 p.m.
"Hokus pokus, Hexenschuss!" - Konzert zur Walpurgisnacht
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Olivia Peschke, director & concept
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
26 Januar 2022, 8 p.m.
Alles fließt
Frideswide Duo
Kesselhaus, Trossingen, Germany
22 January 2022, 5:15 p.m.
Musik im Abendgebet
Frideswide Duo
Stadtkirche St. Georg, Stein am Rhein, Switzerland
31 October 2021, 5 p.m.
Rossini: Petite messe solennelle
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
23 October 2021, 5 p.m.
Frideswide Duo
Kirche Schura, Trossingen, Germany
04 July 2021, 3 - 6 p.m.
Kunstfest Hohenkarpfen XXI
»Land-Sound-Art am mythischen Ort«
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Folkert Uhde, Sonja Lena Schmid & Thorsten Greiner, artistic directors
In co-operation with the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele & Symposion Hofgut Hohenkarpfen
Hohenkarpfen, Hausen ob Verena, Germany
16 May 2021
Ein szenischer Vortragsabend (Livestream)
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Padmini G. Baun & Petra Wolko, stage directors
Hee-Won Park & Michael Weiger, musical directors
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
16 December 2019
ORPHEUS 1607-2019
Multimediales Musiktheater
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Padmini G. Baun & Petra Wolko, stage directors
Jan Hennig, musical director
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
24 June 2019
Final Master Recital
Alban Berg, Sieben frühe Lieder
Morfydd Owen Songs
Canzone di Salice, Ave Maria (Verdi's Otello)
Megan Baddeley (Soprano) & Getácine Pegorim (Piano)
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
30, 31 March 2019
Stravinsky's Mavra
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Bruno Ferrandis, conductor
Korneel Hamers, director
Zwarte Zaal, KASK (Bijloke), Ghent, Belgium
9 March 2019
Mahler's Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Piet Van Bockstal, conductor
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
27 February 2019
Slagwerkklas van KASK & Koninklijk Conservatorium
Smack the Dutchie
Follow thy Flight (Ron Ford)
Megan Baddeley (Soprano)
Andrés Navarro García (Vibraphone)
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
8 February 2019
Hommage to Sabrina Vlaskalic
Concert of the guitar class of the Ghent Conservatory
Songs from the Chinese (Benjamin Britten)
Megan Baddeley (Soprano)
Timothy Van Ceulebroeck (Guitar)
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
21, 22 December 2018
L’Enfant et les sortilèges
Belgian National Orchestra
Ghent Singers
Otto Tausk, conductor
Jorinde Keesmaat, director
BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
14 December 2018
Concert Klassen Kamermuziek
Songs from the Chinese (Benjamin Britten)
Megan Baddeley (Soprano)
Timothy Van Ceulebroeck (Guitar)
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
22 October 2018
Sacred Works of Domenico Scarlatti
Octobre Musical de Carthage
Baroque Ensemble of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Florian Heyerick (Director)
Acropolium, Carthage, Tunisia
14 October 2018
Haydn's Creation
Megan Baddeley, Emily Higgins, Ella Phillips (Soprano), William Balkwill (Tenor), Edward Price (Bass)
Neville Creed (Conductor)
The St. Edward's Singers, Instruments of Time & Truth
St. Michael & All Angels' Church, Oxford, UK
4 June 2018
Master 1 Recital
Songs and Arias by Mozart, Brahms & Bizet
Megan Baddeley (Soprano) & Getácine Pegorim (Piano)
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
22 April 2018
"A Touch of Oratorio"
Works by Handel, Mozart and more
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Royal Conservatory, Ghent, Belgium
16 April 2018
Gentse Dag van de Stem
Songs by Dušan Bogdanović
Megan Baddeley (Soprano)
Timothy Van Ceulebroeck (Guitar)
AZ Jan Palfijn, Ghent, Belgium
30 March - 1 April 2018
La finta giardiniera
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Ewald Demeyere, conductor
Vincent van den Elshout, director
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
6 February 2018
Scarlatti lacrimoso
Stabat Mater à 10
Te Deum à 8
Magnificat in stilo antico à 4
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Sergei Istomin - cello
Guy Penson - organ/continuo
Florian Heyerick - recorder, artistic director
Temple protestant de Lille, Lille, France
16 December 2017
Spanische Leidenschaft, Wiener Musik
Songs by Wolf & Schumann
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Getácine Pegorim - piano, artistic director
Marcos Pujol, artistic director
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
25 October 2017
Scarlatti lacrimoso
Stabat Mater à 10
Te Deum à 8
Magnificat in stilo antico à 4
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Sergei Istomin - cello
Guy Penson - organ/continuo
Florian Heyerick - recorder, artistic director
Sint-Pietersstoelkerk, Moregem, Belgium
19 October 2017
Scarlatti lacrimoso
Stabat Mater à 10
Te Deum à 8
Magnificat in stilo antico à 4
Students of the Royal Conservatory, Ghent
Sergei Istomin - cello
Guy Penson - organ/continuo
Florian Heyerick - recorder, artistic director
MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
24 June 2017
Opernwerkstatt "Dido and Aeneas"
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
6 May 2017
Hommage à Georg Friedrich Händel, Concertos und Anthems von 1717
Konzert der "Geistigen Nothilfe Königsfeld e.V."
Kammerchor und Barockorcheser der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Kirchensaal der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine Königsfeld, Germany
13 December 2016
Christmas - TrosSINGERS UNLIMITED - englische Weihnachtslieder in den Arrangements der Singers Unlimited
Kammerchor und Jazzvokalensemble der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
12 December 2016
Christmas - TrosSINGERS UNLIMITED - englische Weihnachtslieder in den Arrangements der Singers Unlimited
Kammerchor und Jazzvokalensemble der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Kleine Aula, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
1 December 2016
Max Reger zum 100. Todestag
Konzert mit Chor, Kammerchor und Orchester der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
14 November 2016
"Schwesternliebe und Leben" – multimediale Musiktheater-Werkstatt
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Konzertsaal, Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany
29 October 2016
Musikstündchen: Kolumbianische Musik
Megan Baddeley (Soprano) & Iván García (Guitar)
Evang. Gemeindezentrum, Wolfartsweier, Karlsruhe, Germany
28 September 2016
Homenaje - eine multimediale Hommage an Manuel de Falla
Open Source Guitars & vocal soloists
Theater am Ring, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
25 June 2016
Italienischer Opernabend
Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen
Unteres Schloss, Immendingen, Germany
10 May 2016
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 2
Megan Baddeley (Soprano), Elisabetta Picello (Alto)
Orchester und Chor der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Kulturbühne AMBACH, Großer Saal, Götzis, Austria
8 May 2016​
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 2
Megan Baddeley (Soprano), Elisabetta Picello (Alto)
Orchester und Chor der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Abteikirche der Erzabtei, Beuron, Germany
4 May 2016
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 2
Megan Baddeley (Soprano), Elisabetta Picello (Alto)
Orchester und Chor der Musikhochschule Trossingen
Konzertsaal der Musikhochschule, Trossingen, Germany
17 April 2016
Homenaje (UA) - eine multimediale Hommage an Manuel de Falla
Open Source Guitars & vocal soloists
incl. de Falla, Siete canciones populares españolas
Konzertsaal der Musikhochschule, Trossingen, Germany
Photos © Rebecca Fertinel